54 Maria Place Extention, Wanganui Central, Wanganui Central, Wanganui, 4500, New Zealand

Established March 2015
Go Furniture is a NZ Independent Online Furniture Retailer - featuring modern, contemporary Kids Furniture, Lounge Furniture, Bedroom Furniture, Dining Furniture and more. Stockists of the best range of Kids Car Beds in NZ. Plus all products come with Free Delivery Nationwide!
We are based in NZ and work alongside NZ and Global suppliers to bring you stylish furniture at fantastic prices. Having being in the trade for over 25+ years we can source almost any piece of furniture a customer may require. So if we don't have an item you are after listed our website, Contact Us today - chances are we can source it for you at a great price Delivered Free!
Our products are available to view 24 / 7 via our website and we will endeavour to answer any questions you may have in a timely manner. All purchases are dispatched as soon as payments are received -which means no unnecessary waiting time for your purchase. All products on our website are in stock. If for some unseen reason it isn't we will inform you asap. Questions? Let us know - we would love to hear from you!
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