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Plumber - Christchurch

4 more results for Plumber in Christchurch

Christchurch, New Zealand is the place to go when you want to outsource a job or project to a professional or a tradesmen, a freelancer or an expert for FREE. Simply post up the details of the job or project you want completed and watch the quotes roll in without you having to thumb through director…


Christchurch, New Zealand
Professional plumber based in Christchurch. PlumbFitz offers a wide range of residential and light commercial plumbing services. Specialists in everything from hot water pressure upgrades, gas hot water conversions and hot water cylinder maintenance, to fixing leaking taps, underground pipe leaks…

Plumbing and Gas HQ Ltd

Christchurch, New Zealand
Give Plumbing and Gas Hq Ltd a call for all your plumbing and gas needs within Christchurch and North Canterbury. We provide a professional ,reliable and friendly service for anything to do with plumbing and gas. Looking for Plumbers in Christchurch or North Canterbury Call /text or email now…

Rex Beazer Plumbing Ltd

Christchurch, New Zealand
Need a reliable and qualified Christchurch Plumber today? Call Rex and his team now!Rex has 20 years plumbing experience in Canterbury and a proven record of success providing solutions to both your commercial and domestic plumbing issues…