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4 more results for Environment

Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust

Auckland, New Zealand
The Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust promotes, supports and undertakes programmes, actions and initiatives to beautify South Auckland’s environment. The Trust achieves this through environmental education, supporting local community projects and …

Apricus NZ solar hot water

Tauranga, New Zealand
Supplier and installer of solar systems throughout New Zealand.Transform your hot water cylinder in to a solar battery!We are passionate about providing the best information and products to allow you to harness the power of the sun. Apricus solar hot water systems will provide 75% of a home's annual…

Old MacDonald's Country Kindy

Auckland, New Zealand
Old MacDonald's Country Kindy is special. A spacious indoor area and a huge outside playground A separate vegetable garden courtyard where we sometimes eat our lunch Regular access to Kiwi Valley farm where children interact with animals, feed them, ride horses and go on tractor rides. There i…

Nature's Play Kindergarten

Christchurch , New Zealand
Engaging, enabling and empowering children to take responsibility for themselves, others and the environment. Our philosophy is based on the Reggio Emilia approach and a focus on sustainability for the environment. Quality childcare for 2-6 year olds, offering 20 FREE ECE and WINZ subsidies. Nature'…