233 Raincliff Road Totara Valley, RD 12 Pleasant Point 7982, Pleasant Point, 7982, New Zealand
About Waidale Rams
Waidale is a specialist Stud operation in South Canterbury that is focused on breeding Romney rams, Southdown Rams, South Suffolk Rams and Lincoln Rams that meet the markets requirements of an easy care, high fertility ewe that produces fast growing lambs with a high yielding carcass, simple really! Then we put them up for sale via our on Farm Helmsman Ram Sale
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‣ ease of lambing ‣ ewes ‣ eye muscle scanning ‣ General ‣ high fertility ‣ Lincoln rams ‣ lincolns ‣ rams for sale ‣ Romney rams ‣ romneys ‣ sheep ‣ SIL recorded ‣ south suffolk rams ‣ southdown rams ‣ southdowns ‣ suftex
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