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PSYCH-K® Auckland

By Soul Synergy Transformational Life Coaching Auckland

“PSYCH-K® is a user-friendly way to rewrite the software in your mind in order to change the printout of your life”
-Robert M. Williams, M.A.
Originator of PSYCH-K®

PSYCH-K® can assist you in achieving long lasting changes in your life in the following areas:

  • Health and Body
  • Self Esteem
  • Financial Prosperity
  • Relationships
  • Spirituality
  • Personal Power
  • Stress Reduction
  • Release of Past Grief
  • Organisation
PSYCH-K® stands for Psychological Kinesiology. In brief, it is a very simple, powerful, non-invasive way to rewrite the beliefs in your subconscious mind. You can replace current beliefs that no longer serve you, with new, more desirable beliefs. Therefore it can quickly and dramatically change the results in any area of your life and accelerate your personal growth.
Your current reality is a direct result of your beliefs. Studies conducted in neuroscience, reveal that on a day-to-day basis, we are operating from our subconscious mind 95% of the time. That means our conscious mind only comes into play 5% of the time.
Most of our subconscious beliefs are the result of our environmental conditioning from when we were young children. These beliefs form our behaviors and our perception of ourselves. So if you want to know what your subconscious beliefs are you only have to look at the results that you have achieved in your life to date.
Many of us harbour negative or self-sabotaging subconscious beliefs, which keep us imprisoned in our own lives. These may show up in repetitive destructive relationships, struggle with weight, low self esteem, poor health etc. We can try to change our beliefs through repetition of affirmations, which can take some time and dedication, or we can use PSYCH-K® to safely and quickly identify and transform our subconscious beliefs into beliefs that support us in all areas of our lives.
Claire works synergistically with her clients, integrating mind, body and spirit to help them reach their full potential.

About This Author

Soul Synergy Transformational Life Coaching Auckland

Soul Synergy Transformational Life Coaching Auckland

Soul Synergy offers life coaching and Advanced PSYCH-K (psychological kinesiology) services at low rates. Do you want to.. Improve your health or drop excess weight? Develop loving relationships, or experience abundance and prosperity in all areas of your life? Increase your happiness and self…

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