199 B Lincoln Rd, Henderson, Waitakere City, New Zealand

Nick Karuna (M. Ost.)
Kim Collard (M. Ost.)
We are professional primary healthcare providers (ACC Reg), specializing in delivering high quality, 'hands on' natural healthcare for adults, children and babies. We have built a strong family and community orientated clinic by creating enduring, trust based relationships with our patients.
Are you in pain?
We treat the whole body, not just the back! The following list is just some of the more common problems we treat:
- Back pain / Sciatica
- Leg / Knee pain
- Arm / Shoulder pain
- Work / Recreation injuries
- Postural / Overuse injuries
- Sleepless / Colicky babies
- Childhood back pain
- Pregnancy / Pelvic pain
- Sports Rehabilitation
How can we help?
Our expert musculoskeletal knowledge means we understand the unseen intricate relationships within the body. This means we are able to focus treatment to where it is needed, effectively treating the cause of your pain.
We use a wide variety of gentle and effective techniques, individually tailoring our treatment to your specific needs. We can advise you about appropriate strengthening exercises and stretches, empowering you to successfully manage your own health.
Warrant of Fitness?
Your body is like a vehicle, it needs servicing occasionally; a check-up now may help reduce the risk of a problem occurring in the future.
For more information visit: www.naturalosteopathy.co.nz
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