5 Honeysuckle Lane , Mairangi Bay, Auckland 0630, New Zealand
About Maharishi Ayurveda Products NZ Ltd
Maharishi Ayurveda is an alternative medicine, with a focus on improving
physical and mental health through natural healing remedies. The herbs in Maharishi Ayurveda products are produced in the traditional Ayurvedic way, using the whole herb instead of the active ingredient. This improves assimilation, creates holistic balance, and eliminates negative side effects. Our products can remedy many conditions including digestion problems such as acid stomach, anxiety, depression, and women's health issues.
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‣ antioxidant ‣ anxiety ‣ Ayurveda ‣ Depression ‣ digestion ‣ General ‣ immunity ‣ Natural Remedies ‣ women's health
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