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FlueCube Ltd

67 Golf Road, Tahunanui, Nelson, 7011, New Zealand

FlueCube Ltd
About FlueCube Ltd

A FlueCube is a new chimney cowl design that is successful at removing down draft and other winter atmospheric influences that impact the performance of a wood burning appliance. Years of research has gone into producing wood burners that are efficient on wood fuel and produce the lowest emissions.

The Nelson electrical engineer who invented the FlueCube, after seeing the new legislation on testing wood burners was having little to no effect on reducing wood smoke pollution knew the solution was not inside the fire box. It was to be found at the top.

The FlueCube eliminates atmospheric issues that the laboratory wood burner compliance testing has left out. It is fixing many wood burners around the country. Wood burners light faster, reach optimum heat faster, burn cleaner and stay cleaner.

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