237 High Street, Rangiora, Christchurch, 7440, New Zealand
Phone: 0.3 3.13 .9200
Fax: 0.3 3.13 .3702
Established June 1997
Here at Canterbury
Financial Services we communicate in plain English language so we are easily
Every decision we make is for the benefit of the clients we
support and we only make agreements we intend to keep.
If anything we under promise and over deliver to enhance our
clients experience.
All in all we really know our customers and pride ourselves
on recognising whom we are speaking to.
We only deliver products and service of quality
that add value to all involved.
We care for all the people we touch every day. Our
"can do attitude" means people do not hesitate to make contact with
We go that" Extra Mile"
�We pride ourselves on providing value to our clients � to make their lives easy when dealing with financial decisions through personalised communications with advice designed to deliver on their required goals and objectives.�
1. Specialists in Financial Planning, Investment Planning, Insurance Planning, Estate Planning, KiwiSaver, Retirement Planning, Wealth Management and Transfer of UK Pensions.
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