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Acupuncture In Balance Health

122 Charles Street, Blenheim, 7201, New Zealand

Phone: 03 .579.5546

Email Acupuncture In Balance Health

About Acupuncture In Balance Health

Established January 2000

Both Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine have been used successfully for thousands of years treating a wide range of conditions. Acupuncture originated in ancient China but many other cultures also developed their signature style of Acupuncture. Japanese Acupuncture & massage were originally a profession of the blind which relied on information from palpating the abdomen, back, pulse and meridians (energetic pathways).

A Japanese Acupuncture session focuses on the entire person, not just the presenting symptoms. It integrates the physical, emotional and mental aspects of your health, combined with palpation techniques to develop a complete picture of the underlying health issues. This palpation provides a instant feedback system, enabling a diagnosis, treatment plan and selection of points specific to the individual client. Very fine needles are lightly inserted along the meridians, restoring balance to the entire body. It is a gentle and very effective treatment.
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