Platinum VS White Gold – Platinum is the winner (And here’s why)
Jun 18, 2021
Engagement Rings
Platinum VS White Gold – Platinum is the winner (And here’s why)
There is no doubt that everyone recognizes gold for the colour it has, which is a deep, bright yellow. However, there is also a white version of gold, simply called "White Gold". How can this be achieved, and what is the difference?
In the case of 18-carat white gold, 75% of it is pure gold. White gold is an alloy with nickel or palladium composing 25% of it. The metals used as additives are very silvery in colour, which changes yellow gold into "white" when combined with gold. However, the appearance is still not truly white because there is still a slight tint of yellow to the alloy. And that’s where Rhodium plating is used to hide the tint and brighten the gold alloy. Rhodium has 2 very desirable properties: its silvery /colour and its unusual hardness. The yellowish tint of the yellow gold alloy changes to a brilliant white-silver colour when uniformly coated with Rhodium.

Why does platinum maintain its colour while white gold looses its colour?

It seems as if there is nothing to worry about with rhodium plating, right? It is actually quite the opposite; the outer plating doesn't last very long at all. As the outer layer of the ring wears off over time through nothing more than regular wear, its true property is revealed, which is an off-white, yellowish tint which is the actual colour of the gold alloy under it.

For the ring to maintain its white colour, it must be professionally polished and replated. The first step is to carefully remove the old rhodium plating, then replating the ring evenly with rhodium. Buying a "white" gold ring comes with the commitment of frequent touch-ups, usually every 6 months, for its continued good appearance. For a "white" gold ring, there is simply no other alternative than scraping and replating it like clockwork to maintain the ring's good appearance.

Why is white gold so popular despite its huge drawbacks? Profit. Most jewellers happily push their customers to buy them. As white gold rings often need to be replated, they are an easy source of consistent and predictable revenue for a shop when they are sold. Furthermore, forcing customers to visit the jeweller also gives the jeweller a chance to sell more of their products.

Platinum rings, on the other hand, do not have any of these drawbacks. Platinum is a precious metal that is naturally silver-white in colour and brilliance. As opposed to white gold rings, which require frequent and expensive maintenance, platinum rings only require a light polish every two years.

Platinum VS White Gold – Platinum is the winner (And here’s why)

If you are considering a white engagement ring - or any ring or jewellery in general - Platinum is clearly the better choice. Here are the reasons why Novita Diamonds believes Platinum is superior to white gold.


Unlike most diamond retailers, Novita offers platinum rings at a very competitive price - only 10% more expensive than white gold. But you might be asking why Platinum is more expensive than white gold? The answer is threefold. First is the relative purity of platinum rings compared to white gold rings. The platinum metal that makes up platinum rings is 95% pure.

By contrast, 18ct gold rings are only made from 75% pure yellow gold. Secondly, the melting temperatures of Platinum exceed 1,700° C, compared to just 1,100° C for white gold. Lastly, working with Platinum is harder and more labour-intensive due to excessively high operating temperatures.

Why do other jewellers usually charge double for Platinum?

In comparison to us, most average jewellers charge almost double the price of white gold rings for platinum rather than the approximately 10% we charge. This is down to the combination of two factors. The primary reason for the massive jump in price is that average jewellers are unable to work with Platinum and, therefore, have to outsource the production to an integrated company like us. The other but more insidious reason is that jewellers want to make up for the future loss of easy revenue since you will no longer be forced to service your white gold ring every 6 months for the rest of your life.  Contrary to other jewellery stores, we manufacture every ring in-house, making them much more affordable for our customers.



Despite the strength and durability of both platinum and white gold, white gold is more likely to suffer scratches on the very thin layer of rhodium plating as a result of daily wear. By now, you should be able to spot exaggerated claims that white gold is stronger than other metals, but as we have discussed, this is not true.


How To Select Your Perfect Novita Diamonds Platinum Lab Diamond Ring?

In keeping with our commitment to enriching our customers, we at Novita Diamonds encourage you to always choose Platinum over white gold. There is no compelling reason for anyone to choose a ring of white gold when a platinum ring is whiter and more durable of the two. If you are hesitant about the price difference, you can rest assured that we will always provide unmatched value by never overcharging you. Keeping our prices at wholesale rates, unmatched within the industry, allows you or your special someone to be the proud owner of a diamond ring that will always stay untarnished. We hope this short but informative article has provided you with an understanding of the real differences between white gold and platinum, so you can make the right choice when selecting the metal for your engagement ring. Check our large collection of over 260 lab grown diamonds in NZ.
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Platinum VS White Gold – Platinum is the winner (And here’s why)