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Management And small Business Services

PO Box 465, Paraparaumu , 5254, New Zealand

Phone: 04 .298.9663

Fax: 04 .298.9663

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About Management And small Business Services

"Mangement And small Business Services" is locally owned by Maurice Broome.

Maurice Broome is the ONLY Accredited Small business Consultant and . Chartered Accountant in the Greater Wellington area

. = Wellington to Hutt Valley to Levin.

Maurice Broome specialises in start-ups: What is a start-up?

As simple as a new business which has a business idea, that can make profits!!

As there were unqualified persons in the building and finance sectors and people got burnt...why did they not go to a professional?

Maurice Broome has an accounting degree, (BCA from Victoria University, Wellington)

is a member of the Instutute of Chartered Accountants (CA),

is a member of the Institute of Accredited Business Consultants (IABC); with a Graduate Diploma in Business Studies in Small Business (Massey University);

trained as a member of the Institute of Management;

trained as a meditator with Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators, with a Diploma in Business Studies in Mediation; (DBS-Dispute Resolution-Massey university).

es Business Tutor in evening classes for seven years at Kapiti College.

With experience in the private and public sector spanning about 25 years;

This places him with quite some business experience to offer you wisdom, knowledge, common sense and experience.

Often clients seek help with taxes (compliance), finance-budgetting (finance), organisation of the business(managment) - business plans (planning).

Maurice wants to work WITH you to grow YOUR Business and . GIVE YOU THE CONFIDENCE YOU NEED.

If we are not helping you...who is?

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Maurice Broome of

05/19/2010 18 May 2010. ENTERPRISING PEOPLE MAURICE BROOME PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT AND SMALL BUSINESS . SERVICES The certificates that hang above the bookshelves showcase Maurice Broome’s credentials as a Read More »

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